It is worth mentioning areas in which I am not the best fit for your organization.

First, fundraising is not my focus. I can help you find an excellent Development Director or assess your current fundraising strategies but it is not the primary thing I do. This includes grant writing.

Second, I do not sit in for board members. I have been asked to be a temporary board member when an organization is in danger of dropping below the required number of members. I don’t do that but I can assist in helping find the right person.

Third, I don’t do the work and give it to your organization. If we are creating a strategic plan, we will do it together. I can do a lot of the heavy lifting for boards that are new to the process but ultimately it needs to be created by the organization, not me.

Finally, I do not get involved in Human Resources. I am not directly involved with hiring or firing any staff member and I am not directly involved with choosing or releasing a board member. I can help navigate the process but the final decision is the organizations.